Independence Day Message

Sep 13, 2023News

In 1962 when our first ‘Independence Day’ dawned, the air was brimming with excitement among us teenagers.

We were recalled to school in early August to prepare for this first ‘Celebration of Independence’. We had to learn the national anthem and other patriotic songs, along with the nation’s watchwords: “Discipline, Production and Tolerance”, the national pledge, and the meaning of the colours of the flag.

Our time had come! We were going to be responsible for our own destiny. The feeling was palpable – there was nothing ‘too challenging’, that we could not achieve, if we aspired together – as one happy family.

We dreamt of a nation embarking on a journey that would bring prosperity to all, based on a vision that was “forged … in the fires of HOPE and prayer”. We had no doubt that we would succeed beyond our wildest imagination.

Alas the dream of those early days, in time, gave way to disaffection and bitterness among many. Our people felt they had been led astray. Soon enough, the tentacles of corruption and patronage spread far and wide throughout the land and our early hopes turned to despair.

No country, striving to achieve its development goals, can succeed in the face of such dishonesty that continues to eat through the fabric of our society, like a cancer. Too often, it is accepted as ‘part of our culture’. But, is it?


Today, HOPE’s vision is that every Trinbagonian will finally and truly have an “equal space” to prosper by enhancing their God-given talents – so as achieve the goals, ambitions and dreams they set for themselves.

To achieve this vision, honest and enlightened leadership is required – real leadership.

In the first six months of its governance HOPE will establish a Serious Fraud and Corruption Office (‘SFCO’) headed by an independent Special Prosecutor – working in union with Forensic Investigators. For the very first time in Trinidad and Tobago we will have a dedicated independent SFCO with the skills to investigate and prosecute corruption. We will also offer leaders who can be trusted and given your confidence to deliver on your expectations.

With Honesty, Opportunity, Performance and Empowerment, one day we will reflect on Independence Day and say, our dreams of 1962 for ourselves and the future generations have been achieved, together.


Tim Hamel-Smith

Political Leader (Int.) of HOPE

The Party for Honest Government


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